Ethical Code

Reliability, credibility, integrity are the fundamental principles to which we conform our daily actions and according to which we commit ourselves to operate to the maximum of our possibilities and capabilities. This is why we wanted to put our Code of Ethics in paper.

In fact, our Ethical Code defines rights, duties and moral responsibilities to which all members of the company organization must conform their behavior – both reciprocal and external – to safeguard respectability, reputation and integrity of everyone and of the Company.

It is based on solid shared values of honesty, loyalty, fairness, respect for people, rules and the environment, commitment and collaboration in the pursuit of business objectives, so that the company’s business is carried out according to best practices.

Also with regard to the environmental management system, the code is aimed at guaranteeing the prevention of pollution and the achievement of environmental objectives and targets apt to achieve a continuous improvement of its environmental performance in the most scrupulous respect of the obligations imposed by the legislation on  this subject.

The compliance of the behaviors to the Code therefore represents a guarantee for all the acttors directly or indirectly involved in the company’s activity: customers, suppliers, partners, citizens, employees, collaborators, public institutions, environmental associations and anyone else involved for whatever reason in the activity of the company.

Integrated Quality Policy

With the intent of enhancing its knowledge, both technical and human, CARONI S.p.A. has adopted a Quality and Environment Management System based on the international standards UNI EN ISO 9001, IATF 16949 and UNI EN ISO 14001. This implies the company’s commitment to the design, implementation and continuous improvement of a company management system that takes into consideration and satisfies a heterogeneous set of requirements, consisting of:

  • Requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001, IATF 16949 and UNI EN ISO 14001 last edition available;
  • Mandatory requirements applicable to business activity;
  • Requirements incorporated by the customer system, including all interested parties;
  • Other company requirements..

 Quality and Environment

Quality and the environment must be conceived as corporate values in which all reflect themselves, while the tools provided by the Management System must be seen as a support to improve their work.

In order the Integrated Management System ensure maximum added value to business processes, it must guarantee the improvement of methodologies and technologies, the revaluation of human resources, the acquisition of the most appropriate technical knowledge, the accurate management of information on the results achieved and the minimization of direct and indirect environmental impacts.

The philosophy of continuous improvement

CARONI S.p.A. adopts the philosophy of continuous improvement, exploiting all the indications obtained from the systematic detection of its weak points.

The documented information related to the CARONI S.p.A. processes, and their planning and control as a management tool for every business activity, are the reference points of the Integrated Management System.

Our founding values

Our founding values are the dedication to the client and to the interested parties, professional excellence, reliability of products and services offered, transparency, correctness, innovation, creativity and attention to the environment.

Our commitment

The guidelines of our company policy indicated here, and continuously updated, turn into precise commitments:

  • Ensuring the evolution of the services offered to customers while ensuring the maintenance of the high level of reliability achieved.
  • Maintaining the high quality standards that CARONI products have achieved with full customers satisfaction.
  • Demonstrating availability, managing customer requests competently and using all the tools necessary to expand the number of those who rely on CARONI S.p.A. for the solution of their needs.
  • Periodically analyzing the environmental aspects related to the activities carried out, evaluating the relative impacts taking into account the context of the ecosystem and the requests from the interested parties.
  • Improving environmental performance.
  • Communicating the principles of environmental sustainability to suppliers, customers and stakeholders that are relevant to the environmental management system.
  • Establishing environmental objectives taking into account the knowledge of the context and the environmental impacts of the activity carried out.


The operational management of CARONI S.p.A. has the direct responsibility of the Management System, assumes the commitment to periodically fix the concrete and reachable objectives indicated in the document “Management Review”, to make available all the resources (human, technical and financial) necessary for the pursuit of the aforementioned objectives and to verify their achievement through the system review tool.

  • It is ensured that the client’s needs and expectations are clear in the processes in place and that his degree of satisfaction with the products / services provided to him is detectable.
  • A constant monitoring of the quality of the products marketed is ensured, through verification actions in the main phases of the design, and systematically, on each product produced, at the end of the production cycles.

Dissemination and Sharing

The management of CARONI S.p.A. undertakes to ensure that the guidelines outlined here are disseminated and assimilated by all the personnel operating at any level using the company website and all the internal communication tools activated and by all relevant stakeholders.

Ogni persona operante all’interno di CARONI S.p.A. è chiamata a partecipare attivamente all’impegno derivante da questa politica: la consapevolezza e il senso di responsabilità di ciascuno devono essere sempre alimentati dalla certezza di ottenere una ottimizzazione costante delle proprie prestazioni.

Every person working within CARONI S.p.A. is called to take active part in the commitment arising from this policy: awareness and sense of responsibility of everybody must always be nourished by the certainty of obtaining a constant optimization of their performance.

From this policy arise specific objectives, which are reviewed periodically, in the context of the Management Review.